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Randonnée VTT


Val d’Hérens

Resabike makes it easy to transport your bike to the most beautiful routes in the Valais, including those in Evolène!

More and more cyclists are taking advantage of public transport to reach new starting points. As it is not pleasant to wait for the next ride because of a lack of space for your bike and to better meet your expectations, the online booking platform Resabike was created for you by the Canton of Valais, the HES-SO Valais-Wallis and the Valais regional transporters.

From Sion to Arolla or Ferpècle, via the villages of Evolène, Les Haudères or Les Rocs, take your bike with you through the idyllic landscapes of the Val d'Hérens and the Evolène region! Your bike will be loaded at the back of the bus on a vertical bike rack.

Discover the network of bus routes.
Book your journey.
Get your ticket.

When the bus arrives, announce yourself to the driver. If the driver is available to assist you in loading, this is your responsibility. In a crowded situation, you will have to wait until the driver has received all the other passengers to get help. It is always your responsibility to check that the cycle is properly secured and that nothing can damage it. When you arrive, don't forget to remind the driver that you have a bike to unload, so that you have time to do so.
All your questions are answered in the Resabike FAQ.

Photo credits: Illustration by RESABIKE / VTT by David Zuber


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