The desalp in Evolène
Discover the world of the mountain pasture through several themes!
Didactic path of the desalpe
Discover the Hérens breed and mountain agriculture, life on the mountain pasture, in the mayen or the different stages of cheese making. The illustrations were made by Derib.
arrow_right_altThe Hérens breed, from horn to raclette
Book one of the "de la Corne à la Raclette" days with a guide which includes a chairlift ride, a brunch with local products at the Chemeuille restaurant, a visit to the alpine dairy and a raclette tasting at the Petite Auberge de Lannaz at the end of the day.
arrow_right_altRestaurant de Chemeuille
Enjoy the high-altitude restaurant and its terrace with a magnificent view over the region of Evolène, the Dent-Blanche and the matterhorn!
arrow_right_altEducational trails Titre
The educational trails allow you to discover the natural, cultural and artistic treasures of our region in an educational and instructive way.
arrow_right_altMountain restaurants & buvettes
Not only do the refreshment bars give you the opportunity to rest and relax, but you can also do so with a breathtaking view of the surroundings.