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Wedding theme : Atypical


Place: Chemeuille 
Flower:Jocelyne Luca


Transportation: Chairlift ride
                             Descent in Trotinette 


Place: Yurt
Catering: Boulangerie Métrailler + raclette de la péniche
Drinks: Hotel L'Echoppe + beer machine + cocktail bar
Furniture and decoration: NOC Event
Music: Cor des Alpes 

Meals & Evening

Location: Hotel Kurhaus or Jardin du refuge under a stretch tent
Catering: Hotel Kurhaus or restaurant le Refuge
Boisssons: Hotel Kurhaus or restaurant le Refuge
Animation: Jean Paul and Jean Paul + NOC Event and Saxo
Tent-Decoration-Furniture: NOC Event

Accommodation for guests

Country cottage "la Péniche
Hotel Kurhaus 
