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Topo Guide Climbing "Val d'Hérens"




The Val d'Hérens is home to numerous sites offering climbers all styles of climbing. Small, accessible cliffs offer introductory routes, steeper sectors invite the sport climber to surpass himself, and high cliffs offer long routes for the climber-mountaineer who loves great flights in an alpine environment whose reputation is well established. Each site has its own personality, its own grain of rock, its own pleasant environment. And when the temperature rises, the coolness of the Val d'Hérens allows you to climb during the hot summer months.


23 sectors spread over the communes of Hérémence, Saint-Martin and Evolène (table of contents here) list around 170 routes.

Climbing in natural sites involves risks. Climbers are responsible for themselves, and must be able to recognize the dangers associated with the weather, the quality of the rock and the equipment in place. They must be able to ensure their own safety.


To ensure your safety, contact one of our local guides. 

Val d'Hérens Guide Bureau


The guidebook is on sale at the tourist offices in Hérémence, Saint-Martin, Evolène and Arolla, or in the main sports stores in the region. It can also be ordered online using the form below or by e-mail info@evolene-region.ch

Price CHF 29.-


Topo Guide Climbing

Evolène Région Tourisme

027 283 40 00


Place Clos Lombard 6
1983 Evolène


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