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Educational trails

Sentier de la Chasse



Hated or adored, hunting remains an intangible heritage that has left its mark on the Valais. Evolène Région inaugurates a new educational trail on hunting in the Valais (2024).


The trail, created in collaboration with the environmental consultancy Diana d'Hérens, the Fédération valaisanne des sociétés de chasse, the commune of Evolène and Evolène Région Tourisme, runs between the hamlets of Lannaz and Arbey, known for its lake above the village of Evolène.


With 12 panels providing information on the main species hunted in the Valais and the role of game reserves, the aim is to give the general public a different view of hunting, and to learn more about the game, practices and cultures surrounding this activity. Life-size statues and figurines complete the exhibition.


A questionnaire, available from the Evolène Tourist Office, will accompany the hike to make it a real learning experience. In collaboration with SWAROVSKI OPTIK Switzerland, a lucky winner will receive a pair of CL Companion binoculars.


"Hunting doesn't need defending, it needs explaining!

This QR code allows you to view the itinerary.



Le Bouquetin / Der Steinbock / The ibex

Le Cerf élaphe / Der Hirsch « élaphe » / The red deer

Le Chamois / Die Gämse / The Chamois

Le Chevreuil / Das Reh / The Roe

Le Chien de chasse / Der Jagdhund / The hunting dog

Districts francs & Zones de tranquillité de la faune / Jagdbanngebiete & Wildruhezonen / Free districts & Wildlife tranquillity zones

Le Lagopède alpin / Das Alpenschneehuhn / The rock ptarmigan

Le Lièvre commun Le lièvre variable / Der Feldhase & Der Schneehase /  The common hare The mountain hare

Le Sanglier / Das Wildschwein / Wild boar

Le tétras-lyre / Das Birkhuhn / Black grouse

Le permis de chasse / Der Jagdschein / Hunting licence

La Marmotte / Das Murmeltier / The groundhog

Technical information

  • Distance 5.5 km
  • Positive elevation 392 m
  • Negative elevation 392 m
  • Highest point 1'800 m
  • Difficulty Easy
  • Duration 2h15min


Sentier de la Chasse

Sentier de la Chasse

Location / Access