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Nature Angels

18 / 07 / 2021

The Blue Lake and its crystal clear waters, the Vallon de Ferpècle and its wilderness; many visitors come to these places every year, sometimes bringing with them their share of incivilities. Littering, walkers off the designated paths or dogs that frighten wild animals by roaming freely in the thickets, are all problems that need to be reduced.

The built heritage and the nature of the villages of Evolène attest to this: the preservation of the environment is important for the inhabitants, but also for the visitors who come to this destination in search of spaces that are still wild. In order to maintain a balance between sustainable tourism and excursion tourism, Evolène Région Tourisme and the commune of Evolène have decided to hire "Nature Angels" this year. They are responsible for raising awareness and informing the public about the right way to behave in these natural areas, which are sometimes overloaded with visitors. 

In this way, the Evolène region hopes to continue to offer its visitors natural areas that are free of waste and free of access. 

We want these areas to remain accessible to all and we favour dialogue and information. You can find all the information you need to protect the environment here.