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La Sage grocery shop

La Sage/Villaz

At the same time the smallest and the largest grocery store of La Sage, since it is the only one! The grocery store offers you bread from Evolène, cheeses and tommes from Haudères, eggs and tommes from La Forclaz, Valais salted meats, Valais wines and beers, local handicrafts (turning, weaving,...), books and CDs that you will love, but of course also everyday products.


La Sage grocery shop

La Sage grocery shop

Tous les jours, sauf le mardi toute la journée et le dimanche après-midi.
8h00 - 12h00 et 14h30 - 18h30

0041 (0)27 283 31 07



Rte des Rocs 76
1985 La Sage

Social media

Location / Access

GPS coordinates :
46.107238398240355, 7.511944770812989

Access :
Here you will find an assortment of everyday products, but also and above all cheeses and tommes, salted meats, eggs, bread, honey, wine and beers from our beautiful Valaisan valleys.

Come and discover the favourites of the moment, with music, reading and beads of local craftsmanship!

Partially wheelchair-accessible Partially wheelchair-accessible
Facilities for persons with cognitive impairments Facilities for persons with cognitive impairments
Parking place not wheelchair-accessible Parking place not wheelchair-accessible
More details on proinfirmis.ch