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Cow fights in Les Haudères


The 29 Oct 2023

The "Hérens" are an old and traditional breed in the Valais, with a bellicose temperament. During the inalpe which takes place every spring, they fight horn to horn. The strongest cow, the "queen", will lead the herd all summer. It is from this particularity that the tradition of the fight of the queens was born, which attracts many breeders and spectators.

Each cow chooses her rival. The fight stops as soon as the defeated cow gives up.
The fights are frank, the animals respect each other and do not hurt each other. They only try to mark their superiority by their strength or their horn technique.

At the end of the day, the cow that has not been defeated becomes "queen of queens".

These days are also an opportunity for the breeders to meet and share their passion with the villagers and visitors.


Program :

Fights start at 9:30 a.m.

Catering on site 

Free admission


Cow fights in Les Haudères

Cow fights in Les Haudères


1984 Les Haudères

Location / Access

GPS coordinates :
46.086225603952215, 7.50673661384576