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Atelier Pierre de Gué - Friday's creation table


Every friday from 28 Apr 2023 to 01 Dec 2023

17:00 - 21:00

Creative and intuitive expression

NEW CONCEPT: "The Friday creative table is open" Starting April 28, 2023.  A free appointment to experience at your own pace what happens in a creative workshop, for 1 or 2 or 3 hours depending on your desire, every Friday between 5 and 9 pm. New exercises at each appointment to express yourself intuitively.
Based on artistic/art therapy techniques and the Creative Journal® concept, each workshop is designed as a journey to the land of brushes, inks and papers. Objective: to focus on oneself and experience a privileged moment of personal expression.
No skills (writing, drawing, collage) are required for this exploration through creations orchestrated according to various themes in the cocoon of the Pierres de Gué workshop.

Every Friday 2023 starting April 28 from 5 to 9 pm. 
Each workshop is independent. It is therefore never required to participate in each of them. Other dates are welcome.
Price: CHF 30 (1 hour), CHF 60 (2 hours), CHF 100 (3 hours). Materials included.


Atelier Pierre de Gué - Friday's creation table

Atelier Pierre de Gué

079 730 31 28



Chemin de Verjic 3
1983 Evolène

Location / Access

GPS coordinates :
46.11487338590671, 7.495880703983602