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Alpes Trail Val d'Hérens

Trek a trail of discovery in this authentic natural valley!

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Alpes Trail Val d'Hérens >>

The 490 km of nature trails through Val d'Hérens make it possible for you to discover its absolutely beautiful scenery, its alpine pastures and its mountain peaks.

Everything is here to ensure that you have a truly reviving experience! Guided by the signposts or by the itinerary that can be downloaded onto a phone, the walker can indulge their passion and admire the stunning scenery.

There are two trails which allow you to roam the entirety of Val d'Hérens.

The first is more mountainous, weaving its way through high passes, and is aimed at an informed, more experienced public. It can be covered over 3 to 4 days.
Completed in 2 to 4 days, the second, more accessible trail, is lower in altitude and can be accessed for a longer period throughout the year.

Given their length and cumulative slopes and inclines, they are both classed as being ‘expert’ level routes.

In addition to these two trails, Val d'Hérens offers 17 trails from 12 to 67 km, from intermediate to difficult levels, to be undertaken during the day.

You can start them from five different villages of Val d’Hérens (Evolène, Hérémence, Nax, Saint-Martin, Vex).

There are no less than 19 marked trails, some 490 km waiting for you!


Alpes Trail Val d'Hérens

Alpes Trail Val d'Hérens